Plotinus in the Jungle

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We are a family of lay missionaries serving at Catholic Theological Institute, a Catholic seminary in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea.

on top

Brandon is the Dean of Studies at Catholic Theological Institute. He is also a graduate student at the Catholic University of America working on his dissertation in Philosophy. He teaches and has taught the following classes: Logic and Metaphysics, Philosophy of Human Person and Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Political and Economic Thought, Comprehensive Seminar, Ancient Greek, Latin, and English. The title of his dissertation is, “Does Plotinus Present an Account of Creation?”, hence the name of this blog.



Admiring the lovely stained glass


Rebecca is a part-time librarian at CTI and a homemaker. She and her husband like to hike and play board games (but not usually at the same time.)







Anastasia is almost 8 year old who enjoys grade 2, reading chapter books,  climbing trees, gardening, singing, sometimes being in charge, babysitting, playing soccer, and doing traditional dances.






Tabitha is almost 5 years old and likes her pink blanket, eating as much fruit as possible, having curly hair, Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood, climbing trees, and going to kindergarten/prep.








Tobiah is three years old and likes Richard Scarry books, riding his tricycle, playing musical instruments, vehicles, poking things with sticks, and climbing trees.








Perpetua is an infant and has just started smiling and saying “boov” in addition to her usual activities of eating and sleeping.


  1. Bethany says:

    Hello Zimmermans!!!! I’m so excited to read about your tropical adventures =) It was such an unexpected treat to see you on Holy Thursday! Would you believe that we had actually turned down the *wrong* road when we saw Brandon & Annie? Our friends we were visiting lived one street over – thank you, Holy Spirit! We’ll be praying for the 3 of you as you prepare for the move. — Bethany & Dan


  2. John says:

    While you’re there, please develop and teach a course along the lines of “Dylan, Plotinus, and the Bismarck Sea”. Send me a copy of the syllabus.


  3. anton says:

    Hellow Mr Brandon and your Family, the photos and comments are great! Anton from the Melanesian Institute, Goroka.


  4. […] Perpetua nicknamed Pippi!! I LOVE it!! Rebecca posted both her birth story (amazing) and Pippi’s baptism (beautiful) on her blog, which I know you’ll extra love to check out because they’re such a cool family — they’re lay missionaries serving at a Catholic seminary in Papua New Guinea! […]

